Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sailboats on a Plane - 052908

Sailboats on a Plane - 052908, originally uploaded by bostonaday.

Recently I was reading some Photography magazine and they were being very snooty about how Photoshop has ruined photography. I see their point about people overusing Photoshop and underusing their camera. They practically took the position that if the picture didn't come out of the camera ready to print it wasn't true photography, which is absurd because photographers have been hiding sins in processing and printing for decades.

At least I felt that way until this picture came tumbling out of my camera. Taken from my plane seat as I landed at Logan. I stopped down a little bit since I was shooting into the sun, and I had to hold the camera upside down to align the lens with the one unscratched part of my window. But when it came time to tweak the picture I didn't have much work to do. I flipped the picture and made some very modest exposure adjustments.

I still think that it's the results that count, and that the picture would have been just as valid if I had cranked up the saturation to make it more sunsetty. But I have to admit, I got a lot more satisfaction out of getting it right in the camera than I would have expected.

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