Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cars on Street - 051808

Cars on Street - 051808, originally uploaded by bostonaday.

This was really a technical exercise comparing RAW to JPG. In theory, RAW should be much better, but...well, let's just say I apparently have some more learning ahead of me. This is the JPG I shot for comparison. I put in some more practice on HDR and GIMP, so it wasn't a total loss.


edj3 said...

Love the green. Do you think I could have that parking place in about five weeks?

Judith said...

Loving your pictures. Are you using photoshop? Or something else? I have a DSLR camera I'll sell you cheap! said...

I'm using a couple of different tools.

GIMP is a open-source (and free) version of Photoshop. It's a little bit different, but does most of the same things.

And I also use Photomatix which lets you blend multiple versions of the same photo shot at different exposures. Photomatix uses the overexposed shot to fill in the shadows and the underexposed shot to add details to the highlights. I'm still learning how to use it well.

And keep using your camera. I've been very suprised at the improvement I've seen in myself in just two weeks. Half of the battle is just knowing where all the knobs and switches are and what they'll do when you use them. Reading the manual isn't nearly as useful as trying stuff out and seeing what works (at least for me).