Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fading Flowers


I'm not a big fan of still life. If I have the opportunity to tinker with a picture I'll do just that until I get fed up and start thinking "take the picture already". Then later I'll wish that I had done even more tinkering.

Anyway, I took these pictures of some Tulips I got E for her Birthday (Happy Birthday E!). I liked the color contrast inside the red blooms and as E said, you don't often see pictures of tulips that are opened.

I don't completely understand studio lighting, but I wish I had a fill flash behind the flowers. It would have taken the shadows off the background and given a little glow to edges. Still I'm very please with this picture. Here's the color version which is solid, but not nearly as striking as the b/w.


1 comment:

Judith said...

Welcome back! I've been looking daily for a new picture. Know what you mean about lugging a larger camera around.