Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Alison

Happy Alison, originally uploaded by bostonaday.

Seriously, how could I not post this picture right away?

E and I spent the day with Ben, Jen, and Alison. We crossed the James river on the ferry and spent the day at the Jamestown settlement. While that was nice, it was really just something interesting to do while we spent a relaxing day together as a family.

I'll probably spend some more time on these pictures when I get back home, but here's a sneak preview...

Alison holds on to her mom

Alison and dad

James river ferry

*** Edited because I'm a dork and I deleted the old versions of the pictures from my flickr account. If these pics look the same as the "new" pics, you're not imagining things. ***

1 comment:

edj3 said...

You are such a gifted photographer. I am so glad you use your talent for our family. <3