Sunday, July 26, 2009

Providence Street

Providence Street, originally uploaded by bostonaday.

E and I spent the weekend in Providence, RI. We went to see Waterfire, but only one of us actually made it. E got the stomach virus that I had earlier in the week and had to head back to the hotel. I finished dinner with our friends and snuck in a few shots of the festivities before I went back to the hotel to comfort E.

Providence is a lovely town and we really enjoyed ourselves, and Waterfire is a very cool happening. Hard to describe, but the atmosphere and mood really make it an event.

Here are a couple pictures that give a sense:


Waterfire Crowd

1 comment:

Care said...

LOVE these pics! I was visiting E's blog and clicked over to see this blog due to the BOSTON in the title and guess who it is (big assumption, but I'm right, right?) Anyway, nice to meet you.